Business & Emprendimiento

5 valuable skills you can learn from home

abril 3, 2020 by

The world has gone crazy in the last couple of weeks. What started as a far away rumor of a virus turned into a very real threat, seemingly impossible to escape. One second I was at a vintage market in Brick Lane and the next I was told that my office was closing and that I had a flight back home within the next 5 hours. I had to run home, pack a small bag and head to the airport.

In any case, now that the shock is over and I am settled home, I’ve started to realize the incredible opportunity we have in terms of TIME. Working a 9-to- 6, I know it can be hard to find time to do other stuff, to learn a new skill or to make progress on a personal project. However now, remote working means we get to organize our own day. Also, as we don’t have to commute or deal with usual office distractions, we have more time than ever to pursue any passion we have.

Here are 5 ideas you can do while at home to develop valuable skills:

  1. Learn a new language: 

Learning a new language not only gives you more job opportunities, but it also develops your ability to focus and perform mental tasks and slows down cognitive decline from aging. Personally, I love the idea of being able to read and learn songs in a different language because there are aspects of other cultures that can never be understood otherwise. You can find a tutor online or do it for free using apps like Duolingo and youtube. 

  1. Learn to play an instrument

I started playing guitar when I was 11 and can confidently say to this day, that nothing is remotely similar to the feeling of creating a melody with your fingers. Outside of the obvious benefits of learning an instrument such as looking cool and writing songs for your crushes 😂 😂… it has also been proven to changes brain structure and improve long term memory. Musicians have superior multi-sensory skills and are less prone to suffer from stress and depression. Once again, there are plenty of free tutorials on Youtube to get you started and you can always purchase music sheets to learn more complex songs. 

  1. Start a business

This is obviously easier said than done and honestly, I think you have two choose between two options. A) You find something profitable and easy, which will allow you to start making an income straight away, eg. bake cakes and sell them to your neighbors…or B) you use this time to reflect and think about the mission you want to accomplish in life… and then start a related business. 

If you choose the latter, I would definitely recommend Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo, as it has exercises which will make it easier to identify and understand your true passion and calling.

  1. Learn to invest

Honestly, there has been no better time to invest (at least in the last 5 years or so). When the economy collapses, shares and fund basically go for sale. After this is over (and it will be over), prices can only go up. Obviously it is more complicated than that. Make sure you read and study A LOT before investing your money, especially as times are uncertain. Unshakeable by Tony Robbins and the Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham were the two books that inspired me to start. There are a ton of platforms you can use, however some of the most popular ones are Etoro, Wealthify, Robin Hood, etc. 

  1. Learn to code

You probably have heard this a million times, but I’ll say it again, programmers are amongst the highest earners at the moment, and this trend is expected to continue, especially now that our entire lives are dependent on internet and online platforms. While you may not want to become a programmer, it is never a bad skill to have. I started learning html and css basics in W3Schools and can say that it is not nearly as bad as I imagined. I’d definitely recommend starting a project instead of simply trying to learn the code, as this will be much more motivating.

It goes without saying, that this is also an amazing time to read, spend time with your family and dedicate time to your wellness. Don’t get overwhelmed by all the different things you could be doing, better choose one, set some goals and stick to them.

Let me know if you have any more ideas or tools in the comments.