Precisely at this time, around a year ago, I was panicking about not having a placement. The fact that thousands of talented, charismatic and qualified university candidates were all applying for the same jobs did have a way of making me nervous. I know how it feels to spend hours perfecting a cover letter only to be rejected the next day. Or spend an entire week preparing for an assessment centre, spending an exaggerated amount on an on-peak train to London for an interview, and then getting disqualified after the first round.
Eventually, I did learn a thing or two about how to increase your chances of getting the job. Little things can sometimes make a huge difference. Ultimately, it got me to my current, dream-job at a fitness startup by London Bridge. As it turns out, I am now interviewing candidates to join our growing team and sitting at the other side of the table (or camera).
Now it is me questioning candidates and deciding in a matter of 15 minutes, whether they have what it takes for the role. This experience has given me a greater perspective of common pitfalls, as well as the simple, but effective strategies which make a candidate successful.
So, here they are:
1. Do your research
I really can’t emphasize this point enough. Some people actually ask what the company does during the interview, or even what the role is!
Honestly, if you can’t bother to properly understand that, then you can’t expect the employer or recruiter to take you seriously. Some of the most impressive interviews are the ones where the person not only knows everything about the company’s operations, but is also aware of recent press coverage and any significant projects throughout the years.
2. Have your examples ready and make them concrete
I was always told this at uni, but I guess it never really clicked until now. Whether you say you are great at multitasking, or an amazing team-player, it is truly meaningless unless you provide an example. It is honestly so easy. Look at the job description, understand the skill requirements and then prepare an example for each of these. Simple.
3. Be real and share your story
So many people feel like they have to pretend during an interview, I actually used to believe that too. Part of it, I think, happens because you are not applying to the correct company. Honestly, if your personality is aligned with the company’s values and culture, which should be the case if you to want to work there, then you’ll fit right in! Be funny if you are funny, show your curiosity, talk about your passions.
The worst thing than can happen is for you to get accepted into a company while pretending to be someone you’re not! Pretending 9 hours a day, 7 days a week is just not sustainable.
4. Always ask questions!
If somebody doesn’t have any questions at the end of the interview, we assume they are not really interested. An interview is meant to serve the applicant as well, so make sure you ask about everything you are genuinely curious about. Some of the best questions I’ve heard include:
- What would I have to do in order to be successful in this role?
- What is the most challenging aspect of the role?
- What does a day on the role look like?
- How would you describe the company culture and how does this influence the day to day
- What would you wish you’d known before starting (if being interviewed by a person in a similar role).
5. Always send a thank-you email afterwards
This is a must. If your interview happens to be on the limit between a yes and a no, a thank you email can put you on the safe side. It takes you 2 min and makes all the difference in the world.
6. Practice, practice, practice.
There is simply no other way. Use every rejection as a learning experience and just keep going. Ask for help if you need to!
If you’re not getting the results you want, also consider whether you’re applying for the right jobs. I was literally so excited during the interview for my current role, because I genuinely admire the founders and love the fitness world. Employers can sense this passion and commitment, so if you’re not there yet, perhaps you need to start applying to other jobs which really fire you up.
p.s. Insider secret: Being overqualified for a job is actually a reason for rejection. That’s just something you should keep in mind before beating yourself up for not getting the role!
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